Re: [css3-multicol] updated editor's draft

Also sprach Simon Sapin:

 > Le 04/06/2013 08:16, Håkon Wium Lie a écrit :

 > > I'd like to get rid of the assumptions, too, but I'm unsure if the
 > > replaced text is simple.
 > >
 > > Perhaps it could be expressed with something like:
 > >
 > >    "The/used value/  for for/column-count/  is calculated without
 > >    regard for explicit column breaks or constrained column lengths,
 > >    while the/actual value/  takes these into consideration."
 > >
 > > And then proceed with the example?
 > I agree: I’d really like to get rid of these assumptions, because the 
 > current spec is just undefined when they don’t hold.
 > Note for editing: these assumptions are repeated twice: just before the 
 > pseudo algorithm, and at the beginning of section 3. "The number and 
 > width of columns".

I've revised the editor's draft. Changes are in the start of section 3:

and in section 3.4:

where two new examples were added and the assumption has been removed.

              Håkon Wium Lie                          CTO °þe®ª        

Received on Wednesday, 26 June 2013 18:15:48 UTC