Re: [css-variables] Remaining Issues

> >> Nope, still can't.  #aaa might be an id selector, for example.  We use
> >> naked id selectors in at least one property, in CSS UI.
> >
> > That's probably a mistake since we use url(#id) everywhere else, but
> > suppose that it ends up being implemented that way. Would you want to
> > animate this property? Via a custom property? Better question: how more
> > likely are you to animate this than you're to animate over a color? (and
> > what's the probability you'll want to animate from a color-like ID to
> > another color-like ID?)
> >
> > I don't say we don't want static typing, I just say we should provide
> > reasonable defaults so that people do not have to use static typing at
> > 95% of the times. The remaining 5% will need static typing, and that's

Just want to note that if this kind of value is used as id and it's really
used for animation (which seems a very odd use case to me), it would be up
to the author to define a proper transition for it or define it as François
said as url(#id) to make clear, which kind of value it is.

Anyway, rethinking the 50% flip, I wonder how that works together with the
animation-timing-function, which has "ease" as default value. Shouldn't the
flip according to this be somewhere around 30% of the animation? I.e.
aren't the timing functions been taken into account?


Received on Friday, 21 June 2013 06:18:10 UTC