Re: [css-regions] ::region() or ::fragment() pseudo-element

On Jun 14, 2013, at 2:51 PM, Alan Stearns <> wrote:

> That's my point. I don't think that the change to ::fragment lets us use
> future grouping solutions. All of the grouping examples I've seen (and the
> Hierarchies proposal) split similar selectors and create a group out of
> the left side of the split. So if you have the current region styling
> syntax:
> <region-selector>::region(<content-selector-A>) {}
> <region-selector>::region(<content-selector-B>) {}
> Then you could use a left-side grouping mechanism to do what we want,
> which is define a set of region styles for a particular region:
> Group<region-selector>
> {
>  ::region(<content-selector-A>) {}
>  ::region(<content-selector-B>) {}
> }

That would likely select regions that were descendants of the <region-selector>.

It might be better than the other pseudo-element option, but it still looks pretty bad to me. Instead of just writing something like this:

@region #myregion {
p {}
img {}
h3 {}
h4 {}

...which is clean and clear, I have to write something that is still much more cumbersome, and less readable: 

group #myregion {
::scope::region(p) {}
::scope::region(img) {}
::scope::region(h3) {}
::scope::region(h4) {}

Received on Friday, 14 June 2013 22:13:42 UTC