[css-shapes][Editorial] Are SVG images allowed?

The current wording [1] is a bit ambiguous regarding whether SVG images are allowed for shape generation or whether it’s only raster images:

> Another way of defining shapes is by specifying a source image whose alpha channel is used to compute the shape. The shape is computed to be the path that encloses the area where the opacity of the specified image is greater than the ‘shape-image-threshold’ value. If the ‘shape-image-threshold’ is not specified, the initial value to be considered is 0.5.
> For animated raster image formats (such as GIF), the first frame of the animation sequence is used.

There is also this note in the change Log [2]:

> Postpone shapes from SVG to a future Shapes level

My interpretation was that SVG images are allowed, and the alpha channel used refers to the alpha channel of the rendered SVG. I assumed the changelog note was about defining SVG shapes directly in CSS code. However, Eric’s (CCed) interpretation was that only raster images are allowed, which indicates that there’s some ambiguity here.

[1]: http://dev.w3.org/csswg/css-shapes/#shapes-from-image
[2]: http://dev.w3.org/csswg/css-shapes/#since-may-3rd-2012

Lea Verou
W3C developer relations
http://w3.org/people/all#leahttp://lea.verou.me ✿ @leaverou

Received on Thursday, 13 June 2013 11:50:44 UTC