Re: [css-text-decor-3] Is handling of no-<color> text-shadow for text decorations intentional?

On 05/07/2013 06:27 PM, fantasai wrote:
> On 05/06/2013 11:06 PM, L. David Baron wrote:
>> specifies how to handle the omission of <color> only by reference to
>> , which says
>> that when the <color> part of a shadow is omitted, the 'color'
>> property is used.
>> In Gecko, which I believe implemented text-shadow before this was
>> specified, we instead shadow the color that was drawn.  For text,
>> this yields the same result, but for text decorations, it yields a
>> different result.
> It's not intentional, and I currently have no opinion on this.

Edited per WG resolution

   # If the color of the shadow is not specified, the shadow has
   # the color of the ink it shadows; that is, it matches the
   # ‘color’ property when shadowing text, and the ‘text-decoration-color’
   # property when shadowing text decorations.

However, there's an open issue here: what happens if the colors
are semi-transparent? Are we shadowing the text and the decorations
individually, or the composite text+decorations? I think the latter
makes the most sense, especially when we consider the simple case
of solid text.

> An interesting question: what color should it be once we can
> do patterned fills?

This question still stands.


Received on Monday, 10 June 2013 07:58:01 UTC