Re: [CSS21][css3-text] letter-spacing, word-spacing and justification

On 12/07/2013 10:29 AM, "fantasai" <> wrote:
> On 07/06/2013 05:07 PM, Andrew Cunningham wrote:
> Don't see why liga would be used in place of rlig in cases where the
> complex script would require it. That seems like a bad choice. The
> spec doesn't say to break required ligatures, only optional ones.

Bad choice yes, but considering all fonts that support mymr rather than the
new script code were developed before any OT engine had Myanmar shaping
support, people initially worked with what was possible at the time and
would work at the time so most Myanmar fonts use ligand and clig

> clig could indeed be a problem, if it's needed across grapheme clusters.
> Are there situations where such ligatures occur across grapheme clusters?
> The spec forbids spacing within a grapheme cluster.

Default grapheme cluster or tailored grapheme cluster?

Since the two can be quite different, and can emping on users expectations.

>> At least one rendering engine used by at least one browser will disable
>> optional features during letter spacing, breaking rendering.
> Indeed, the spec requests that optional ligatures be broken when
> letter-spacing is not zero. I think this is appropriate for explicit
> tracking: you can't get even spacing in a word like "find" otherwise,
> if "fi" ligatures are enabled.
>> As it is, in places where letter-spacing is non-zero, it is sometimes
>> necessary to reenable specific font features for certain fonts.
> ~fantasai

Received on Friday, 19 July 2013 01:56:58 UTC