Re: [css-masking] 'mask: none' clear all masking operations

On Thu, Jul 11, 2013 at 7:46 AM, Dirk Schulze <> wrote:
> Hi,
> We didn't get to an agreement on the CSS WG call how to handle the 'mask' shorthand property. I think in general we did not disagree on the structure:
> mask
>  +-- mask-layer
>  |    +--mask-layer-image
>  |    +--mask-layer-position
>  |    +--mask-layer-repeat
>  |    etc.
>  +-- mask-element
>  +-- mask-box
>       +--mask-box-source
>       +--mask-box-slice
>       +--mask-box-repeat
>       etc.
> But CSS WG members didn't like that 'mask' can just reference SVG elements. Here the problem why the initial proposal didn't allow <mask-layer>:
> Both, mask-element and mask-layer-image can take a url(). However, while it references an <mask> element for the former, it references an CSS image for the later. There are some security considerations if one loads an SVG resource or CSS image, which leads to different fetching algorithms. Therefore, the CSS Parser must detect on parse time if we load an SVG resource or an CSS Image. Two solution that are agreed on in the past:
> 1) Parse the URI string and check for hashes. If there is an hash, assume it is an SVG resource, otherwise an CSS Image.
> - This was quite unpopular for web authors and many complained on Twitter and some mailing lists.
> 2) Don't allow either <mask-element> or <mask-layer> on the shorthand. Since 'mask' is in an recommendation and uses <mask-element> this one was the natural choice.
> I see two more ways to allow <mask-element> and <mask-layer> as values for the 'mask' shorthand:
> 3) Don't allow url() as CSS Image for 'mask-layer'
> - This would mean that you can not use url() for mask-layer-image anymore, which a lot of authors are still used to. Furthermore, image() (the alternative) is not supported in browsers yet.
> 4) Add keywords that allow to differ between the masking operations:
> mask: [<mask-element> && layer <mask-layer> && box <mask-box>] | none
> As you see, this could allow 'mask' to set all kind of masking operations, not just <mask-element> and <mask-layer> but also <mask-box>

Ooh, #4 doesn't sound half bad.


Received on Thursday, 11 July 2013 17:07:17 UTC