Re: [css3-syntax] Preserved vs. non-preserved tokens.

Le 31/01/2013 22:28, Tab Atkins Jr. a écrit :
> Never mind, I've made "consume a primitive" sometimes trigger a parse
> error and return nothing, and adjusted all the states to account for
> that.  The bad tokens are ), ], }, cdo, cdc, bad-url, and bad-string.

Now a non-preserved token in an at-rule prelude makes the whole at-rule 
invalid/ignored. Isn’t that incompatible with having any error recovery 
in preludes? For example I think that syntax errors in a comma-separated 
media query list makes one query invalid, with recovery at the next comma.

Test case:


Simon Sapin

Received on Thursday, 31 January 2013 23:51:05 UTC