Re: [css3-syntax] !important vs. ! /**/ important

Le 28/01/2013 07:01, Tab Atkins Jr. a écrit :
>> If the part in §3.5.10 is removed (ie. no change from CSS 2.1 in parsing
>> !important) then comments are ignored in every Tree Construction mode. They
>> might as well not be emitted by the tokenizer.
> Other way around, you mean - if the part in 3.6 is removed, we'll just
> match 2.1.

Yes, my mistake.

> So, I'll remove the mention in 3.6, never emit comment tokens, change
> the list of tokens you'll see in the parser, and remove all mentions
> of comments in the parser.  Then I'll put in a note that serialization
> should handle the roundtripping problem.

"comment token: Do nothing." still appears in 3.5.18 and 3.5.19.

Simon Sapin

Received on Monday, 28 January 2013 12:02:12 UTC