Re: Styling HTML placeholder attribute

On Tue, Jan 22, 2013 at 1:41 PM, Sylvain Galineau
<> wrote:
> Sorry, I still don't follow. If the author sets his inputs' background to
> black we currently expect her to also change the foreground color accordingly
> in order to make users' input visible as they type. I don't get why it is OK
> to require her to do that for the stuff the user will actually type in but it's
> somehow too large a burden for placeholder text that we need a dedicated
> pseudo-element?

You're missing my point.  In the pseudo-element scenario (using
opacity), you get color-matching and decent contrast *automatically*,
without the author having to explicitly provide anything.  That's the
benefit I'm pointing to here.

> There are other issues e.g. as it presumably overlays above the control the
> opacity set on the pseudo-element will also affect the underlying background
> color the author has chosen which may not be what she wanted.

The background color is set on the element itself, not the pseudo inside of it.

> This particular scenario doesn't suggests a pseudo-element to me as much as a
> property to set foreground color alpha independently of foreground color. That
> could be more generally useful.

That would also work.


Received on Wednesday, 23 January 2013 00:04:55 UTC