Re: Styling HTML placeholder attribute

On Mon, Jan 21, 2013 at 3:22 PM, Mounir Lamouri <> wrote:
> Hi,
> Styling forms element is generally speaking painful and even the very
> simple HTML placeholder attribute follows that rule. Currently, as most
> form control styling, it is proprietary.
> The current situation seems to be:
> - Webkit: ::-webkit-input-placeholder pseudo-element;
> - IE10: :-ms-input-placeholder pseudo-class;
> - Gecko18-: :-moz-placeholder pseudo-class;
> - Gecko19+: ::-moz-placeholder pseudo-element;
> - Presto: nothing.

Ah, good to see FF switched over!  The pseudo-element approach is
definitely better.

> We believe that the current situation is less than ideal and we would
> like to push to get the placeholder styling specified. Currently, it
> seems that Gecko's and Webkit's implementations are very similar. The
> set of allowed rules are slightly different and the default styling
> isn't the same but those are clearly solvable issues.
> Ideally, I would have liked to start a specification fully dedicated to
> style form controls but I unfortunately don't have much time for that
> but I believe that we should be able to easily push this to css3-ui if
> we can find an agreement quickly. Mozilla would be more than happy to
> drop the prefixes as soon as possible.

Yes, I agree.  We should have it show up somewhere nice and CR-able
quickly, as there's no reason to hold onto prefixes here.  (Prefixes
are particularly obnoxious in selectors.)


Received on Tuesday, 22 January 2013 19:01:17 UTC