[css2] visibility:collapse on <tr>

Please check this example:

It contains collapsed row that crosses row-spanned cell.
Ideally that example should be rendered this way:

but WebKit and Gecko show different results:
- WebKit - visibility:collapse there is treated just as visibility:hidden (?)
- Gecko - wrong (?) vertical alignment in spanned cell.

visibility: collapse is described here:

"Contents of spanned rows and columns that intersect the collapsed
column or row are clipped. The suppression of the row or column, however,
does not otherwise affect the layout of the table."

But I am not sure is this definition applies to content alignment?

Technically speaking content in last cell is not clipped - it fits inside
that cell box pretty comfortably. So is my question.

Andrew Fedoniouk.


Received on Wednesday, 27 February 2013 03:12:30 UTC