Re: [css3-syntax] Editorial: "Other specs can define additional entry points"

Le 24/02/2013 01:03, Tab Atkins Jr. a écrit :
> The provided "parser entry points" are just shorthands for other specs
> to use.  We can move them into other specs, but that won't gain us
> anything.  Or did you mean something else?

Yes, I meant keeping the entry points in css3-syntax but rename them 
"algorithms" and merge the two sections. Others specs can use any 
algorithm and combine them in any way they want.

Maybe have a note saying that some algorithms such as "Consume a simple 
block" are used by other css3-syntax algorithms, but are probably not 
useful to use directly by other specs.

Simon Sapin

Received on Sunday, 24 February 2013 00:10:46 UTC