Re: [filter-effects] @support condition for custom filters

On Mon, Feb 11, 2013 at 3:05 PM, Dirk Schulze <> wrote:

> Hi all,
> The Filter Effects[1] specification defines the custom() filter function
> to extend the predefined filters by new, customized filters including CSS
> Shaders, but not limited to CSS Shaders. This was discussed and accepted by
> the SVG WG [2].
> Feature detection is important to support future extensions of the spec
> and test for the availability. I have an action from the SVG WG to ask for
> a new condition 'filter' on the @support rule. This filter descriptor can
> take different feature keywords. For CSS Shaders I would suggest 'webgl'
> because of the relation to WebGL. More feature keywords can be added by
> future versions of Filter Effects allowing other or future shading
> languages and parameterized SVG filters. The filter condition would look
> like in the following demonstration:

Supporting webgl and supporting CSS shaders are very different things and I
would not expect support for one to imply or match support of the other.  I
think you should pick a different keyword.

- James

Received on Tuesday, 12 February 2013 01:56:02 UTC