Re: [css3-flexbox][css3-align] align-* properties

On Fri, Dec 13, 2013 at 5:06 PM, Jens O. Meiert <> wrote:
>> Yeah, this is an issue with W3C process.  It's annoying to update CR
>> drafts.  This should be fixed when we push Flexbox to PR, or when we
>> get annoyed enough at it to fix it in CR.
> Well, I somewhat hope reports like this help with the annoying ;)
>> Note that the difference isn't detectable to the page - "auto"
>> computes to "stretch" on flexboxes, so by the time you can observe the
>> value (getComputedStyle()), it's already the same value regardless of
>> which spec you're looking at.
> But what’s the true initial value then—or what do I miss?

The true initial value is "auto" - the Alignment spec wins.  You just
can't *see* the "auto" value on a Flexbox, since it'll turn into
"stretch" by the time you can read out the value of the property.


Received on Saturday, 14 December 2013 01:15:29 UTC