EPUB using CSS vendor prefixing incorrectly?

IDPF appears to be specifying a EPUB-specific technology subset prefix using the syntax for the CSS vendor prefix. This strikes me as both problematic (precludes vendor prefixing with this) as well as unnecessary (why not just use the unprefixed properties), but perhaps I'm misunderstanding something. 
	• -epub-speak
	• -epub-speak-as
	• -epub-text-align-last
	• -epub-text-emphasis
	• -epub-text-emphasis-color
	• -epub-text-emphasis-style
	• -epub-word-break


Could someone please explain whether this is a valid use of the vendor prefix pattern? If it's not, the CSS WG chair should probably reach out to the IDPF and EPUB groups. If this *is* a valid use CSS vendor prefixes, are there any known implementations?

Received on Monday, 19 August 2013 19:46:08 UTC