Re: [css-grid-layout] feedback from a user perspective

On Sun, Apr 7, 2013 at 7:43 AM, Mark <> wrote:
> I've been going over some of the css grid issues and wanted to provide
> my feedback from a user perspective.
> "ISSUE 2"
> This issue talks about subgrids with a "display: subgrid" property. I
> think that would be confusing. Just stick t display: grid; Even with
> subgrids. Then describe it somewhat like this: "If a grid item itself
> also has a display: grid; property set then that item is handled as a
> grid."

As François pointed out, there's a difference between a grid item
that's also a grid, and a subgrid.  You don't want to mix these two

> "ISSUE 4"
> This talks about "position: grid". What i can't find in the spec is
> what it will do if i have more then one display: grid; in my html
> context... Furthermore, i don't think the grid layout should have the
> ability to make non grid children part of the grid.

The spec specifies that, right there in that section.  It looks for
the closest ancestor grid, or if it's positioned with named lines, the
closest ancestor grid with those lines.

Can you explain why you don't think you should be able to make
non-children part of a grid?

> "ISSUE 12"
> This talks about the names grid lines. Yes, the syntax in there look
> very... odd to say the least. My proposal:
> grid-definition-rows: grid-row(NAME, HEIGHT)
>   grid-row("row_two", 100px)
>   grid-row("row_three", 500px)
> The same for columns only with grid-col(...)
> This is if you want to keep named grid rows/cols at all. Dropping it
> completely wouldn't be bad either :)

This doesn't work - we're not trying to name the rows/columns, we're
naming the lines between them.  All positioning is done by attaching
edges to lines (though you can ignore that if you just use 'grid-row'
and 'grid-column' to do the positioning.)  A single line can have
multiple names, as it represents different things to different
elements.  Further, if you rearrange your grid (such as with Media
Queries), what was previously two separate lines may become one line,
or vice versa.

> "ISSUE 16"
> This talks about Line-based Placement. Why don't you guys just drop
> those 4 names completely and use/extend the selectors api instead? so
> grid-before would become ":before" grid-after would become ":after".
> Then you still have "end" and "begin" so perhaps it's best to
> introduce 4 new selectors:
> :grid-before
> :grid-after
> :grid-end
> :grid-begin
> It's just an idea, but it seems better then properties because it
> "smells" like a selector.

I don't understand the suggestion.  The four positioning properties
apply to a single element, not multiple elements, so what would the
selectors select?


Received on Monday, 8 April 2013 18:49:41 UTC