Re: [css-variables] CSS Variables are a NEW kind of variable

On 5/30/12 7:04 PM, "Sylvain Galineau" <> wrote:
>Not to prove that everyone's preference is someone else's ugly but I can't
>stand the x-convention. If we're going to have a prefix why not make it
>readable. For instance:
>	:root { define-link-color: blue }
>	a { color: $link-color }
> imo a reasonable balance: terse at the point of use and very
>explicit at 
>the point of declaration since there should be many of the former for
>each of 
>the latter.

We cant have two different 'prefix'es. It is just one to refer to a
variable. The very idea of mixing up a function with a name('define') is
completely confusing. 

Received on Thursday, 31 May 2012 15:22:27 UTC