Re: [css3-align] The Great Alignment Bikeshed

> Set 1: Box/Content/Default
> +--------X----------------Y------
> A | box-justify box-align
> B | content-justify content-align
> C | default-justify default-align
> Set 2: Self/Content/Item
> +--------X----------------Y------
> A | self-justify self-align
> B | content-justify content-align
> C | item-justify item-align
> Set 3: Outside/Inside/Items
> +--------X----------------Y------
> A | justify-outside align-outside
> B | justify-inside align-inside
> C | justify-items align-items

For me, Set 1 is too abstract. (Which box? Which default?)  I like 
self/content/item because I find it very self-descriptive.  I like 
outside/inside/items because it will match nicely with our future 
display-inside and display-outside.  I wouldn't have trouble remembering 
and applying the property names in Set 2 or Set 3.

Anton Prowse

Received on Monday, 14 May 2012 12:27:01 UTC