Re: [CSS Box Alignment] Comments on CSS Box Alignment proposal

On Tuesday 2012-05-08 11:11 +0200, L. David Baron wrote:
>  * 'child-align' should be removed since there's no reason to
>    separate it from 'content-align': if an element's children
>    support 'box-align' or auto margins then 'content-align' is
>    perfectly fine to use as the default rather than needing a
>    separate property for this

Actually, it just occurred to me that there might be a reason to
have this separation:  if we want one property (likely
'child-align', but probably renamed to just 'align' and also
applying to the element itself) to be inherited by default
("Inherited: yes") and the other not to be.

That's not what's described in [1], where all properties are
currently marked "Inherited: no", but it would be what's needed to
represent HTML's align attribute in a simple way in CSS.



𝄞   L. David Baron                  𝄂
𝄢   Mozilla                    𝄂

Received on Tuesday, 8 May 2012 09:38:18 UTC