Fwd: :first pseudo-selector

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: 	:first pseudo-selector
Date: 	Wed, 02 Nov 2011 23:12:16 +0100
From: 	Daniel Bock <daniel.bock@web.de>
To: 	tantek@cs.stanford.edu, fantasai.lists@inkedblade.net, daniel.glazman@disruptive-innovations.com
CC: 	bert @w3.org, howcome @opera.com


I'm eighteen years old, go to school yet and develop web applications in my spare time.

Currently I'm using the following CSS as a workaround:

     :first-child, noscript + :nth-child(2) {
        margin-top: 0;

     :last-child, noscript + :nth-last-child(2) {
        margin-bottom: 0;

But it would be much easier to use the ":visible:first" pseudo-selector for this, which is e.g. used in jQuery.


It's necessary if you have a box with some paragraphs and don't want to have unnecessary gaps at the the end and the beginning
of the box.

I hope you can include this feature into the offical CSS 3 specification. Please inform me about the progress of my request.

With best regards,
Daniel Bock

Received on Thursday, 22 March 2012 00:24:44 UTC