Re: [css3-images] Comments on object sizing terminology

On Wed, Mar 21, 2012 at 3:56 AM, Øyvind Stenhaug <> wrote:
> On Wed, 21 Mar 2012 10:09:51 +0100, fantasai <>
> wrote:
>> | If an object (such as an icon) has multiple sizes, then the largest size
>> | (by area) is taken as its intrinsic size. If it has multiple aspect
>> ratios
>> | at that size, or has multiple aspect ratios and no size, then the aspect
>> | ratio closest to the aspect ratio of the default object size is used, as
>> | determined by minimizing the area in a "contain" fit of the default
>> object
>> | size; between equivalently-mismatched images, the wider image is chosen.
> Interpreting the "as determined by [...]" clause takes some effort, I think
> it would be better if the procedure is spelled out in more detail.

Does this help?

# If an object (such as an icon) has multiple sizes, then the largest
size (by area) is taken as its intrinsic size. If it has multiple
aspect ratios at that size, or has multiple aspect ratios and no size,
then the aspect ratio closest to the aspect ratio of the <i>default
object size</i>is used.  Determine this by seeing which aspect ratio
produces the largest area when fitting it within the <i>default object
size</i> using a <i>contain</i> fit; if multiple sizes tie for the
largest area, the wider size is chosen as its intrinsic size.

> And
> shouldn't it be *maximizing* the area, or have I still not decrypted it
> correctly?

Yes, it should be.  Fixed in the above text.


Received on Wednesday, 21 March 2012 21:13:48 UTC