Re: [css3-writing-modes] vertical orientation and UTR50

On 6/29/12 9:47 AM, "Sylvain Galineau" <> wrote:

>[Glenn Adams:]
>>> - RESOLVED: put our own table of behaviors for mixed-right and upright
>>>               values in the writing-modes spec until UTR50 stabilizes
>>I believe this is a very bad idea, and should be abrogated. It will only
>>lead to divergence.
>>We should simply reference the UTR data even if it changes. The
>>implementors can address such changes as needed.
>I agree with John and Glenn's overall position. We should refer to UTR50,
>not snapshot it. I also recall
>the resolution and yes, it somehow made sense at the time. But since:
>1. The resolution implicitly states we *will* reference UTR50 ('...until
>UTR50 stabilizes')
>2. Maintaining a separate snapshot can only lead to confusion for
>implementors and authors alike
>3. Minimizing this potential confusion ought to be more work for the
>Simply referencing this document seems the way to go.

Chiming in with my belated objection to this resolution as well. Since the
face-to-face I've talked to Nat McCully who convinced me it would be
better to wait for UTR50 than introduce yet another interim solution.



Received on Friday, 29 June 2012 17:23:30 UTC