Re: :hover and :active interaction with labels

On Thu, Jun 7, 2012 at 1:55 PM, Ian Hickson <> wrote:
> fantasai wrote (quoting me):
>> > seems :hover should be defined, at least for HTML's purposes, as
>> > working as follows:
>> >
>> > : An element matches :hover if:
>> > :
>> > : - It is designated by a pointing device, or
>> > : - Any of its descendants are designated by a pointing device, or
>> > : - It is the "labeled control" of a<label> element that matches :hover.
>> >
>> > Like Boris, I don't mind where this is specced, but we should spec it
>> > somewhere. Is the Selectors spec able to spec this?
>> Technically, yes, but I think it's a bit out of scope for Selectors to
>> specify HTML-element-specific behavior. Is it very specific to :hover?
> It's very specific to :hover, yes; there is also a click-related issue but
> that's already specced. I can spec the :hover bit it in HTML if you think
> that would be more appropriate; I don't mind either way. Should I?

Yes, that would be great.  Do you need an anchor in Selectors to link to?


Received on Thursday, 7 June 2012 21:18:40 UTC