Re: [css3-flexbox] "flex-basis: auto" means completely different things as specified value vs. computed value

On Fri, Jun 1, 2012 at 3:38 PM, Daniel Holbert <> wrote:
> Preface: right now, the spec says:
> {
>  # If the value is ‘auto’ on a flex item, the computed value
>  # of flex-basis is the computed value of the element's main
>  # size property. Otherwise, ‘auto’ computes to itself.
> [1]
> }
> I have two (related) concerns about "flex-basis:auto" computing to the
> main size property's computed value.
> MAIN CONCERN: It's weird to have a particular value ("auto" in this
> case) mean two completely different things as a specified value vs. as a
> computed value.
> (to elaborate slightly: 'auto' as specified val means "use
> main-size-property computed value as my computed value", per spec-quote
> above. In contrast, 'auto' as computed val (e.g. taken from the main
> size property) tells the flexbox algorithm to use our max-content size
> as our hypothetical size.[2]  These are two completely different meanings.)

Yeah, it's a little weird, but the alternative is to come up with
*another* term meaning the same thing as 'auto', just for stacked-auto
situations like this.

> SUB-CONCERN: It's weird that "flex-basis:inherit" can end up inheriting
> a computed value of "auto", which then deceptively makes us _ignore_ our
> main-size property. (while a _specified_ value of "auto" would make us
> _use_ our main-size property)
> To illustrate these concerns, here's an example:
>  <div id="grandparent" style="display: flex">
>   <div id="parent" style="display:flex; flex-basis:auto; width:auto">
>     <div id="elem" style="flex-basis: inherit; width: 50px"></div>
>   </div>
>  </div>
> So -- what is the computed value of "flex-basis" on the innermost
> element ('elem') here?  And does the "width: 50px" have any effect on
> the rendering?  IIUC, the answers are "auto" and "no". (We inherit
> #parent's computed value, which is the computed value of #parent's own
> 'width' property, which happens to be "auto". So #elem gets a computed
> value of "auto". And then the flexbox algorithm tells us to treat a flex
> basis of "auto" as max-content. So, we never use the 50px.)

This is incorrect, because you're assuming that the "inherit" swap-out
occurs at computed-value time.  Instead, it happens at specified-value
time, when a cascaded value of "inherit" turns into a specified value
of the parent's computed value.

This isn't well-specified yet; wait for fantasai and I to reboot the
Cascade module later this year.  But it was decided last year as part
of the 2.1 edits clarifying when 'inherit' and 'initial' are swapped

So, as far as I can tell, there's nothing to address.  Right?


Received on Monday, 4 June 2012 17:54:21 UTC