Re: CSS Referencing

I think this is a two part proposal :
1 - allow to reference a property to another one
2 - ask for those reference to be able to create bidirectionnal

For the first, before being lead to this list, i've created the list
I copy the examples i proposed here just to be clear :

/* simple pointer : */
..example1{color: as(.model);}
/* The text color is red (as found in .model{color:red;}) */

/* complete pointers */
..example2{margin: as(.model?border-width); background-color:
/* The margin is 2px on all sides (as found in
..model{border-width:2px;}), and the background color is blue (as found
in .model{border-color:blue}) */

/* inner pointer */
..example3{color:grey; border: 1px dashed as(?color);}
/* The border-color is grey (as found in .example3{color:grey;}) */

I would just drop any properties that would create a loop like

About the fact that we could always create a shared css class containing
the common values, i agree but it kills some of the benefits of using
css : We either have to create lots of classes (smallText, biggerText,
hugeText, smallMargins, ...) and have many classes placed on every
element, which would lead to setting the style right in the html, or we
have to create a very big css file containing every single case for
every common properties (div.test1 table.test2 td:first-child, div.test3
ul, div.test4 ul:hover...{color:red}), and it wouldn't allow to share a
color and a background color.

This referencing would shorten a lot the css selectors, and would help
to have a simple new kind of inheritance.

It should not be seen as the programming goto, but more like a variable,
which may be called from anywhere. Every element has a set of variables
that always have some values (default or inherited at the beginning),
that we set using the css propoerties, and some of these properties are
just like pointers to those variables. The values that are read are
never computed values, but always the values that are asked (default,
inherited, set, or pointed).

About the second point, i agree that it may be more complicated, and
that's not that much what i asked for.

Received on Monday, 16 January 2012 15:36:48 UTC