Re: [css3-text] grapheme clusters across element boundary

(12/01/16 5:25), Boris Zbarsky wrote:
> On 1/15/12 11:07 AM, Glenn Adams wrote:
>> Looks like Firefox 9 does the best job with this, though not completely
>> with ZWJ.
> Supporting reasonable text flow across element boundaries (grapheme
> clusters, ligatures, shaping, etc) is a core part of how the text
> layout system in Gecko is designed.  We consider that a pretty basic
> requirement for text rendering...

I was indeed quite amazed to see the following example work in Firefox
(and only in Firefox):

data:text/html,<big></big><big></big><script>var big =
document.querySelector('big'); big.textContent= "\ud834";
big.nextSibling.textContent = "\udf06";</script>


Received on Monday, 16 January 2012 10:32:37 UTC