Re: [CSS21] Can column boxs span multiple columns?

On 30/11/2011 12:28, Simon Sapin wrote:
> Le 29/11/2011 18:24, fantasai a écrit :
>> On 11/17/2011 01:57 AM, Simon Sapin wrote:
>>> Le 16/11/2011 20:04, fantasai a écrit :
>>>> Huh, that seems pretty wrong. I'd expect the <col> element to just
>>>> generate
>>>> multiple column boxes.
>>> After some experiments with backgrounds and borders, it seems to be
>>> what browsers do. (Small detail: Gecko adds borders to
>>> each boxes generated by the same <col>, but webkit does not draw the
>>> border in-between them.)
>>> It is also consistent with what HTM4 says about the width attribute.
>>> I’ll implement it this way in WeasyPrint.
>>> I’d write up proposed changes to the spec to make this clearer and
>>> more explicit, but would they be useful?
>> Yep!
> The only section about how elements generate boxes for tables is 17.5
> Visual layout of table content. The section seems misnamed as non-visual
> user agents also need to generate boxes.
> I propose adding to the first paragraph:
> """
> Each element generates one box, except for table-column elements which
> generate as many table-column box as the number of column they span.
> Cells that span multiple rows or columns still generate only one box.
> (Although CSS 2.1 does not define how the number of spanned rows or
> columns is determined, a user agent may have special knowledge about the
> source document; a future update of CSS may provide a way to express
> this knowledge in CSS syntax.)
> """

Simon, this is being tracked at

Anton Prowse

Received on Monday, 9 January 2012 09:37:27 UTC