Re: @important instead of multiple !important

Also sprach Marat Tanalin |

 > Writing user stylesheets, we're often forced to add "!important"
 > after value of each property (generally, the proposal should not be
 > limited to user stylesheets though).

Most often it can be avoided. But sometimes not. 

 > 	#statusbar-display {
 > 		left:  0 !important;
 > 		right: auto !important;
 > 	}

There used to be !legal as well as !important:

With !legal gone (thank goodness) we should be able to write unambiguously:

  #statusbar-display {
    left:  0 !;
    right: auto !;

Which at, at least, is shorter. But I'm unsure if it's worth the
hassle to change the syntax at this stage.


              Håkon Wium Lie                          CTO °þe®ª        

Received on Thursday, 5 January 2012 23:48:34 UTC