Re: case sensitivity and the OM

On 12/17/2012 06:06 PM, L. David Baron wrote:
> On Monday 2012-12-17 16:37 -0800, John Daggett wrote:
>> >From fantasai's comments regarding case sensitivity on WG list:
>>> 6. If you discuss case-sensitivity, here are my positions:
>>>  a. I am ok with ASCII-insensitivity if it is just
>>>     about matching.
>>>  b. I object to ASCII-folding if this is used anywhere
>>>     in the OM output as a normalization of author input.
>>>     In other words, the author must be able to pretend,
>>>     as long as unique idents in his mind are
>>>     case-insensitively unique, that CSS is
>>>     case-sensitive, and have that Just Work.
> I disagree with fantasai's second objection.  I think there are many
> reasons to want author input to be normalized, such as:

To clarify, I don't have a problem with this for CSS-defined
identifiers, but I do have a problem with this for user-defined
idents. ASCII lowercasing of French or Spanish or Norwegian is
really weird and authors shouldn't be exposed to it when they're
creating their own identifiers.


Received on Tuesday, 25 December 2012 02:25:13 UTC