RE: Initial values for widows and orphans

> I'm not opposed to changing the initial value to 1. I think it would make
> more sense actually. But existing implementations would have to change,
> and there are several. For Web content, the rule above is equivalent to
> changing the initial value. [1] So there's a question of which is a better
> way of solving the compat issue.

An 'auto' value allows existing implementation to preserve their current 
behavior i.e. we wouldn't break the rendering of their content. 
> I'll note also that IE and Opera both implement these properties, and
> nobody on either team has requested a change in the initial value.

Doesn't prove there isn't a problem. Only that we haven't tested this as
Apple did, or with the same content.

> However it seems Microsoft thinks 0 is a valid value and is the initial
> value:

The latter could explain the former; it also suggests that while there
is support there might not be interop yet.

> I haven't checked Opera. Other implementations include PrinceXML, Antenna
> House, WeasyPrint, Web2PDF, and various less well-known ones.

No objection from me to testing what's out there. I think we should gather
that info and then come up with a solution vs. going for a UA stylesheet hack.

Dean, can you share URLs to some of the content you've seen breaking when

> [1] Unless you put :root { widows: inherit; orphans: inherit; } in
>      your style sheet for some reason, but no sane or insane web
>      developer would do that, only a layout QA would.
Please do not tempt the web with a good time.

Received on Thursday, 13 December 2012 02:06:02 UTC