Re: [mediaqueries4] pointer: coarse and pannable, zoomable viewports

On Wed, Dec 12, 2012 at 9:10 AM, Edward O'Connor <> wrote:
>> Typical examples of a ‘fine’ pointing system are a mouse, a track-pad
>> or a stylus-based touch screen. Finger-based touch screens would
>> qualify as ‘coarse’.
> Presumably, touch screens whose Web views operate as pannable, zoomable
> viewports (like on iOS) are intended to match 'pointer: coarse'. But the
> user can make very fine-grained touches simply by zooming the viewport.

This is incorrect.  The touches are exactly as coarse as before,
you've just made the page elements enormous.  ^_^

> Is such a UA expected to match 'pointer: fine' when zoomed in, and
> 'pointer: coarse' otherwise? I hope not; I'm not enthusiastic about
> triggering layout on zoom. If such a UA never matches 'pointer: fine'
> but only 'pointer: coarse', it's more likely that page authors will use
> this MQ to make content that behaves poorly when the user is zoomed in.

It sounds like you're saying "damned if you do, damned if you don't".  ^_^

I don't really understand this objection, though.  Can you elaborate
with a more specific example?  In general, page authors should respond
to this MQ by making touch targets larger.  How does this make a
poorly-behaved page upon zooming, unless the page was badly-designed
to begin with?


Received on Wednesday, 12 December 2012 18:27:42 UTC