Re: [media-queries] chicken-egg problem with font-based lengths

Le 20/08/2012 11:32, Giuseppe Bilotta a écrit :
> So, if I understand your suggestion correctly, I can set the font size
> of the html element explicitly, provided that I then use fixed widths
> in the media queries, manually computed from the fixed font size that
> I select (e.g. if I set a font size of 12pt, then I should replace a
> media query for 66em with a media query for 1056px, and the media
> query will trigger correctly regardless of the actual font family that
> gets selected.

Yes, this is what I was suggesting.

A small note: you can use font-size: 16px instead of 12pt, they’re 
always the same in CSS. It makes one less conversion to deal with.

Simon Sapin

Received on Monday, 20 August 2012 09:40:18 UTC