Re: [css3-regions] auto widths and heights of regions

There is a new section [1] in the CSS Regions specification that describes
in much more detail how content from named flows is laid out in region
chains. This section contains improved handling of auto height and auto
width of regions. It introduces the notion of a 'flow fragment height'
that resolves the height of the named flow fragment that fits into a
region, and a 'region flow content box' whose used height and width
contribute to the sizing of regions.

We have included a step-by-step example using three 'height:auto' regions
of different widths, and have been validating our approach in a WebKit
branch. This section is now ready for wider review, and we'd appreciate
any and all comments on the algorithm.




Received on Wednesday, 11 April 2012 20:15:35 UTC