Re: [css3-flexbox] "<flex> can also transition to and from a <length>"

On 4/6/12 8:29 PM, Tab Atkins Jr. wrote:
> I see what you're saying, but I'm not sure it's as problematic as you assert.
> By the time transitions happen, you've already learned what type of
> element it is - you needed that information to resolve selectors.  You
> might not keep it around for easy reference during transition-time,
> though.  That seems fixable, though.  You could just have a "virtual"
> property, applied to all the replaced elements, that says whether
> they're replaced or not.

Whether an <img> is replaced or not depends on its style data, in 
particular on whether width and height are specified, in Gecko.  This is 
because for sized broken images we need to treat as replaced elements 
while unsized ones can simply be non-replaced containers for the alt 
text so the alt text can actually be read by the user.


Received on Saturday, 7 April 2012 01:11:52 UTC