Re: [css3-animations] Evenly spaced animation keyframes

I would rather have the enumerated values as described here or time values
as suggested. Sometimes a frame may need to be presented a little longer
than others; however, almost all animations are set for every frame to be
displayed in a uniform, evenly space time sequence. I really don't see the
benefit of using a percentage.

- Ray

On Thu, Sep 22, 2011 at 7:06 PM, Lea Verou <> wrote:

> Every time I've had to create an animation, I've had to count the keyframes
> and divide 100% by that number. If I add another keyframe, all percentages
> have to be recalculated. See this one for example (from
> @keyframes rainbow {
>    from, to { background: red }
>    16% { background: yellow }
>    33% { background: green }
>    50% { background: aqua }
>    66% { background: blue }
>    83% { background: fuchsia }
> }
> #animation-demo { animation: 30s rainbow infinite; }
> We solved this problem for gradient color stops, by allowing color stops
> without a percentage. These color stops just evenly divide the space that's
> available.
> I was thinking, we could do something similar for animation keyframes, by
> allowing numbers to be specified instead of percentages. For example the
> above animation could become:
> @keyframes rainbow {
>    from, to { background: red }
>    2 { background: yellow }
>    3 { background: green }
>    4 { background: aqua }
>    5 { background: blue }
>    6 { background: fuchsia }
> }
> #animation-demo { animation: 30s rainbow infinite; }
> And while we're at it, perhaps it might be useful to allow <time> values as
> well, in the same way that <length> values are allowed in color-stop
> positions.
> --
> Lea Verou ( | @LeaVerou)

There are 10 kinds of people in the world:
those who know binary and those who don't.

Received on Tuesday, 27 September 2011 15:32:54 UTC