Re: [css3-values] angle unit and 0 (css3-speech)

On 14 Sep 2011, at 10:00, Yves Lafon wrote:

> On Tue, 13 Sep 2011, Tab Atkins Jr. wrote:
>> On Tue, Sep 13, 2011 at 1:19 AM, Yves Lafon <> wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> In css3-values [1], the text implies that "azimuth: 0" is invalid as units
>>> are mandatory (unlike length units (section 5)).
>>> However, in CSS21 [2], it says
>>> <<
>>> Like for <length>, the unit may be omitted, if the value is zero: '0deg' may
>>> be written as '0'.
>>> Should css3-value say something there, either the same thing, or that it is
>>> deprecated.
>>> Thanks,
>>> [1]
>>> [2]
>> Like Boris said, that's an error in 2.1.  (The same error is repeated
>> in the definitions for <frequency> and <time>.)
> Well, it was introduced in 2002 (see [3] for the first occurence, for the first CSS21 draft)
> What are implementations doing with the following:
> foo { propertyusingangle: 90deg;
>      propertyusingangle: 0; }
> (same with frequency and time...)
> Thanks,
> [3]

I have been trying to compile a list of "aural" CSS implementations:

I doubt there are any implementations of 3D spatial audio (where 'angle' units are used).
'frequency' units are used for pitch control.
'time' units are used for creating pauses.
I'd love to get an updated implementation status for these features.

Cheers, Daniel

Received on Wednesday, 14 September 2011 09:24:19 UTC