Re: [css3-lists] Mongolian and French lists

On Thu, Nov 24, 2011 at 3:56 AM,  <> wrote:
> On 2011.11.23 01:01, Tab Atkins Jr. wrote:
>> This is used for actual lists or page numbers or similar, right? I have to be careful with alphabetic systems, as sometimes they're only used for dictionaries or similar, and not for actual lists. Could you provide the uppercase variant as well?
> Thank you for your answer.
> Yes, it is for actual lists. To be honest, most lists are short, and won't go up to "ө", where appears the 1st difference with the full Russian alphabet.
> Here is the upper-case alphabet:
> 'А' 'Б' 'В' 'Г' 'Д' 'Е' 'Ё' 'Ж' 'З' 'И' 'Й' 'К' 'Л' 'М' 'Н' 'О' 'Ө' 'П' 'Р' 'С' 'Т' 'У' 'Ү' 'Ф' 'Х' 'Ц' 'Ч' 'Ш' 'Щ' 'Ъ' 'Ы' 'Ь' 'Э' 'Ю' 'Я'

Thanks!  I'm on Thanksgiving vacation right now, but I'll take care of
this when I get back to work next week.

> The W3C recommendations are not supposed to provide algorithms, but to describe the expected result. Yes, there are exceptions and difficulties in writing numbers in letters, but the needed algorithms are not so horrible. It is one of the 1st exercises I was given when a computer student, and an exam I gave several times in recruiting Mongolian programmers in my province. To my mind the recommendation should at least reserve words for that, and, better, say that any user agent claiming to support any given language must implement the corresponding algorithms. The same way that all user agents are not supposed to include all encodings and all Unicode characters, and can be limited to the encodings and fonts installed in the operating system, all users agents won't be required to support all languages numberings. Moreover, the user agents would be free to implement these numbering algorithms themselves or to subcontract these tasks, or some of them, to
>  another library or program.
> However, if you need algorithms, can provide them for Mongolian and French (even with the Belgian and Swiss variants).

I know it's quite easy to write an algorithm for any given language.
The problem is that they're different for *every* language, and often
for dialects within the language, and require knowledge that CSS
doesn't naturally have, like the gender of words in some languages.

I could, of course, add explicit algorithms for every written-out
style in every language.  I've been attempting to focus on high-value
algorithms that apply to many languages, however.


Received on Friday, 25 November 2011 03:27:28 UTC