Re: [css3-images] aliases for 'cover' and 'contain'

On Sun, Nov 6, 2011 at 9:58 AM, Brad Kemper <> wrote:
> I vote that we just keep the aliases. I anticipate that most people who use the keywords will alternate between 'cover' and 'contain'. But those who do want to use farthest/nearest-side/corner would probably prefer them to be all consistently named. The computed value would just be 'farthest/nearest-side/corner', which could be a problem for round-tripping, but still seems like a reasonable trade-off.

Given the way the syntax discussion turned out, I agree.  Fantasai's
example usage "radial-gradient(from 25px 25px to cover, blue,
transparent)" works just fine if we keep the current definition of
"cover", since the "as" clause defaults to center when omitted.


Received on Monday, 7 November 2011 17:16:21 UTC