Clarifications on @charset encoding name

Can the characters of the encoding name of an @charset rule be escaped, as with a Unicode escape (e.g., "\0061")? I assume no, but I would appreciate a clarification.

I have mined the CSS Level 2 proposed recommendation and the CSS3 Syntax working draft, as well as the mailing list. While I've found several issues regarding the @charset rule, this is the closest I've found to an answer:

This 2009 message from Boris Zbarsky indicates that escaped *quotes* are not permitted in the encoding name. Still, the specs seem to intimate rather than state that the string of an @charset rule is not subject to unescaping. This contradicts the grammar of Appendix G (though I realize other syntactic constraints for the @charset rule have been established).


Received on Friday, 20 May 2011 14:44:46 UTC