Re: [css3-flexbox][css3-grid] Inline replaced elements as grid items and flexbox items

On Fri, May 13, 2011 at 7:33 PM, Andrew Fedoniouk
<> wrote:
>> -----Original Message----- From: Alex Mogilevsky
>> So that is the reasoning that brought us to accepting replaced inline
>> blocks as flexbox items. We initially suggested that any inline blocks
>> should work, what we have is a compromise, but if we wean to revisit the
>> decision I would again suggest that inline blocks are included for
>> consistency...
> As <button>,<img>,<textarea>,etc. are display:inline-block
> elements then how about these rules:
> 1. To treat all display:block, table, inline-block, list-item elements as
>  flex boxes. display:inline and text content will be wrapped into
>  boxes.

They're display:inline, for legacy reasons that can't be changed now.
If they were 'inline-block' we wouldn't be having this discussion, as
the answer would obviously be exactly what you just said.


Received on Saturday, 14 May 2011 04:19:14 UTC