Re: [css3-text] Allow control of text-decoration width

On Mar 25, 2011, at 2:37 PM, Aryeh Gregor wrote:

> * WebKit (Chrome 11 dev) uses fixed-thickness underlines, as noted.
> * Gecko (Firefox 4 final) keys underline thickness solely off the
> font-size of the element with text-decoration set on it.
> * Opera 11 has different underline thickness and placement on the same
> line, in violation of the spec.
> * IE 9 has different underline thickness per line, adjusted somehow to
> the size of text on the line (apparently according to the maximum font
> size on the line).
> So IE is the only one that takes advantage of this allowance.  

I haven't seen this, but I think it must look a little weird to see one line of a multiline text block with different underline sizes.

> I don't
> think we'd lose much of anything by saying that the underline's
> thickness must be fixed according to some simple function of the
> affected element's font-size by default, like Gecko does.
> Interoperability should trump the possibility of browsers producing
> slightly nicer underline widths in edge cases, especially since (like
> WebKit) they can also use that allowance to produce much worse
> underline widths.

I agree. I'd like to see 'text-underline-width', and 'text-underline-offset'. Although, I would use the former to make all the underlines in Firefox and IE into one pixel underlines. I want the underline to be a subtle indication that the text is a link; I don't want a big black rectangle under my text. To each his own, though.

Received on Saturday, 26 March 2011 03:55:36 UTC