Re: [CSS21] WG process - next steps for CSS21?

On Thu, Mar 03, 2011 at 11:53:27PM +1100, I wrote:

> The important thing is just that we don't imply that we aren't aware of
> any remaining problems, such as by describing the document as having been
> "widely reviewed for technical soundness and implementability" when we're
> aware that significant problems uncovered by that wide review haven't
> been addressed.

Sorry, that was a bit sloppily worded, and might literally be interpreted
as a belief that the text shouldn't be marked as a Proposed
Recommendation.  Though hopefully you could already guess that that's not
what I meant.

What I was trying to say is that the description "widely reviewed for
..." would tend to be read as meaning that issues resulting from that
review have been addressed.  Assuming that there will be some significant
issues not addressed in the document, the cover page just needs to be
explicit to correct that misunderstanding.


Received on Thursday, 3 March 2011 13:36:16 UTC