RE: [css3-images] linear-gradient keywords and angles are opposite

> From: Simon Fraser []
> I don't like this, for the reason that fantasai described earlier in the thread. I
> think it's more intuitive for the keyword to describe the starting position of
> the gradient. It comes as the first parameter, so logically associates with the
> start of the gradient. Similarly, in the declaration it comes next to the first
> color stop, so mentally will be associated with that stop.
> linear-gradient(left, black, white)
> It just obviously a black->white gradient from left to right. Being right-to-left
> just hurts my brain.

linear-gradient(0deg, black, white);

Does it also hurt your brain that black is not used at the 0deg side of the coordinate system?

Received on Friday, 10 June 2011 00:15:00 UTC