[css3-mediaqueries] [min|max]{device-}aspect-radio 1/1 and oriantation

1) Is a display-aspect-radio" of 1/2 or 2/1 in the scope of 
"min-device-aspect-radio: 1/1". the same is for all the other 
combinations of min and max with device-aspect-radio or aspect-radio 
with a value of "1/1".

3) Is device-aspect-radio the screen or device?(e.g. blackberry have a 
portrait orientation with a landscape screen orientation. Also the 
border of other device are not all edge equal so device |= display)

3) If 1) is clear/defined, one can replace the orientation feature query 
by a min- or max-device-aspect-radio query. This way the orientation 
feature can be droped, because it is a duplication of a other query.

4) In the Values paragraph is the following line:
"The <ratio> value is a positive (not zero or negative) <integer> 
followed by optional whitespace, followed by a solidus (‘/’), followed 
by optional whitespace, followed by a positive <integer>. "

this should be:
"The <ratio> value is a positive (not zero or negative) <integer> 
followed by optional whitespace, followed by a solidus (‘/’), followed 
by optional whitespace, followed by a positive(not zero or negative) 
<integer>. "

Else an aspect-radio of "1/0" is OK.

Robert Vincenz

Received on Sunday, 5 June 2011 18:24:22 UTC