Re: directional images

On 02/23/2011 01:00 PM, Tab Atkins Jr. wrote:
> Do you have any opinion on the problem of composed images?  If I do
> something like the following:
> <ul dir=rtl>
>    <li>ONE</li>
> </ul>
> <style>
> ul {
>    list-style-image: image( url("right-facing-arrow.jpg"), ltr );
>    transition: list-style-image .2s;
> }
> ul:hover {
>    list-style-image: image( url("highlight-right-arrow.jpg"), ltr );
> }
> </style>
> Since the images are tagged as ltr, but the<ul>  is rtl, they'll flip
> horizontally so the arrows face left instead.

So the image() function, which is computed against 'direction' the same
way 'currentColor' is computed against 'color', represents a left-facing
arrow on this element. OK.

> But during the transition, the used value is of list-style-image is:
>    cross-fade(
>      image( url("right-facing-arrow.jpg"), ltr ),
>      image( url("highlight-right-arrow.jpg"), ltr ),
>      X%
>    );
> Do the arrows face right or left?

Left, obviously.

> What if I just use that cross-fade() value directly in a property?


> What if I assign it to a variable and then use it?

Depends on where you use it. If you use it on an RTL element, then
the arrows face left.


Received on Wednesday, 23 February 2011 21:40:18 UTC