Re: [css3-text] text-transform:capitalize

Koji Ishii scripsit:

> Even for "." (PERIOD) case Xaxio raised, I'm still skeptical whether
> CSS should treat it differently from Unicode or not. I understand how
> "a.m." should be titlecased, but I haven't investigated if there were
> any counter-cases, nor asked if Unicode guys considered that case
> or not. Unicode guys must have reasons to make "." as MidNumLet,
> not MidNum. IE must have reasons to make "." not to break words in
> titlecasing, and WebKit must have reasons to break. I'm not saying
> that Xaxio is wrong, but just that we still know little to make the
> decision to do it differently from what Unicode defines.

No algorithmic solution can get all the cases correct.  As Don Knuth
says in the comments to the English-language TeX hyphenation tables,
if you want bath-ing to hyphenate correctly you will have to live with
noth-ing (which is tolerable, especially for Americans) and anyth-ing
(which is not).  He ends by saying "You can't have every-thing."  

The argument for sticking to Unicode rules is that they mostly get
it right and (importantly) *they already exist*.

John Cowan                      
I amar prestar aen, han mathon ne nen,
han mathon ne chae, a han noston ne 'wilith.  --Galadriel, LOTR:FOTR

Received on Monday, 21 February 2011 17:55:34 UTC