Re #1: [css3-speech] Editorial Comments

On 28 Apr 2011, at 08:49, fantasai wrote:
> Overall, this module is missing the "Computed value" line from
> all of the property definitions. That needs to be fixed.

Good catch. Fixed in the editors' draft.

> 1. Dependencies
> I suggest removing this section. The references section is good
> enough for this purpose.

Good idea. Done.

> What's missing is a discussion of how speech connects with the
> CSS2.1 spec to create a definition of aural CSS rendering.

Well, the "speech" media type was reserved in CSS2.1, but not actually  
in use (until CSS3-Speech defined its use, that is), and the "aural"  
media type was described in the appendix, but at the same time was  

Is that what you have in mind ?

> 2. Introduction
> s/may be used/can be used/
> s/When using voice properties, the canvas/The aural canvas/
> s/temporal space (you can/temporal space. For example, you can/
> s/The CSS properties/CSS properties/

Done, thanks.

> The statement about the 'aural' media type being deprecated
> should be a separate note, if it's needed at all.

Yes, I think we can safely remove this sentence.

> 3. The aural "box" model
> The note about speakability and display: none should be moved
> to the section on speakability. It is totally out-of-context
> here.

Good point. In fact most of this statement is redundant.

Reply part #2 coming soon.
Regards, Daniel

Received on Thursday, 28 April 2011 12:02:03 UTC