Re: [css3] [css21] browser specific CSS

2011/4/2 "GĂ©rard Talbot" <>:
> In your initial post, you wrote "But just as Microsoft is attempting to
> make IE6 die" . Even such claim is questionable. I would say that
> Microsoft has done very little to make IE6 die.

> Known limitations
> Internet Explorer 6 (32-bit)
> SharePoint Server 2010 does not support Internet Explorer 6 (32-bit). If you use publishing sites, see Browser compatibility for publishing sites in this article.

This one item from Microsoft is directly responsible for my employer's
decision to upgrade IE on all systems it uses.

I haven't publicly applauded Microsoft or the SharePoint team before,
but let me take this moment to do so.

Received on Saturday, 2 April 2011 21:59:38 UTC