Re: [CSS21] Issue 142: the term "ancestor box"

On 4/2/11 1:14 AM, fantasai wrote:
> Right, but the rectangle is defined by referencing a box.

Sort of.  In some of the cases.  But not in others.

>> I think we all know what we mean here, but we're not actually putting
>> it into the spec. If I had to implement the current text
>> without the various background I know, I'd at best get it wrong and at
>> worst be very very confused and then get it even more
>> wrong.
> How else would you interpret that sentence in

That depends on how confused I got.  I'm having a pretty hard time doing 
the thought experiment, given what I do happen to know about our intentions.

> I'd probably just tack on
> | For the purpose of resolving percentage values (only), the containing
> | block is determined while ignoring _anonymous block boxes_[].
> instead of splitting the item, but that should amount to the same thing,
> yes?

If you have enough context, I suppose.  I think my formulation leads to 
a much more readable spec, personally.  Do we have a word count limit?  ;)


Received on Saturday, 2 April 2011 05:36:51 UTC